Uncork’d Entertainment presents The North Witch, a chilling horror-thriller that plunges viewers into a heart-pounding journey through the unforgiving wilderness. Directed by Bruce Wemple, known for his work on My Best Friend’s Dead and The Hangman, and written by Anna Shields, this film promises to deliver a spine-tingling experience.
In the indie film, five women embark on a perilous quest to find a cabin that mysteriously vanished six decades ago along with a man. As they venture deeper into the desolate landscape, they soon realize they are not alone. A sinister, otherworldly entity lurks in the shadows, tracking their every move and waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
“Bruce Wemple and Anna Shields have crafted a truly haunting film that combines intense suspense with deeply unsettling thrills. This is a story that will keep audiences guessing until the very end, and we’re proud to add it to our lineup of standout horror titles,” said Keith Leopard, President of Uncork’d Entertainment. “We can’t wait for viewers to experience the spine-chilling journey that awaits them in The North Witch.”
The North Witch features an ensemble cast that includes Anna Shields, Kaitlyn Lunardi, Jessy Holtermann, Ameerah Briggs, Brianna Cala, Jeremy Cohen, and LeJon Woods.
The film delivers a haunting, atmospheric experience that promises to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Watch The North Witch now streaming on Digital and Demand on Apple TV and Prime Video.
Are you looking for more horror movies about witches? We’ve got you covered. Let these movies and games featuring witches cast a spell on you now.