The impressive ensemble cast includes Odessa Young (The Daughter), Joe Cole (Peaky Blinders), Siobhan Finneran (Downton Abbey), and Rory McCann (Game of Thrones). Turlough Convery (Ready Player One), Lewis Gribben (“Black Mirror”), Francis Magee (Rogue One: A Star Wars Story), and Mícheál Óg Lane (Calvary) also star. Andrean Sigurgeirsson (The Darkness), Guillermo Uria (The Real Story Of…), and Arnar Máni Iansson Gray round out the cast.
HorrorFuel’s Joseph Perry had this to say about the film in his spoiler-free review:
“The Damned is a masterful horror film that unveils its secrets at a superb pace, combining the fear of The Other with Icelandic mythology and folklore.”
As he recalls: ‘Every Icelander has heard all kinds of different variations of the truth – all elements of our history that have been passed down. One of these stories was about a ship that sank off the shores of Iceland, with all survivors being killed by the natives. Having known of this, I started to write a story relating to it and kept fleshing it out, adding darker elements.’
The Damned promises to be a chilling, thought-provoking, and emotionally charged cinematic experience when it opens in theaters on January 3, 2025, from Vertical Entertainment.