Grafted is a chilling thriller exploring the dark side of ambition and the desperate desire for acceptance. The film follows Wei (Joyena Sun), a shy and introverted Chinese scholarship student who arrives in New Zealand to pursue medical research at a university. Burdened by a genetic facial birthmark, Wei finds herself ostracized by her cousin Angela (Jess Hong) and her social circle.
Driven by a desire to overcome her perceived flaw, Wei throws herself into her late father’s research: a groundbreaking skin grafting procedure with the potential to erase her deformity. As her experiments progress, they take a disturbing turn, pushing Wei into a dangerous spiral of obsession. Increasingly unhinged, she becomes willing to protect her secret at any cost, eliminating anyone in her way.
Starring Joyena Sun, Jess Hong, Eden Hart, Jared Turner, Sepi To’a, and Xiao Hu, Grafted promises a tense and unsettling exploration of obsession, and the lengths someone will go to achieve their desires.
Witness this unnerving film when it lands on Shudder on Friday, January 24th.