The upcoming sequel to the post-apocalyptic classic 28 Days Later, 28 Years Later, directed by the franchise’s Danny Boyle, has been a hot topic of discussion among fans. One of the most significant topics is Cillian Murphy’s rumored involvement. When the trailer was released, fans swore they spotted Murphy as a zombie, but that has since been debunked. Angus Neill actually plays the zombie (pictured) in question.
Is Murphy Reprising His Role as Jim?
Franchise producer Andrew Macdonald, the film’s executive producer, has clarified Murphy’s role. He has confirmed that Murphy is not in the first film of the new trilogy. While Murphy’s absence in 28 Years Later is confirmed, his potential involvement in future films, including 28 Years Later: The Bone Temple, slated for January 16, 2026, and the untitled third film, remains a possibility. Murphy may not be starring, but he is involved. He’s serving as an executive producer.
“we wanted him to be involved and he wanted to be involved. He is not in the first film, but I’m hoping there will be some Jim somewhere along the line. He’s involved at the moment as an executive producer, and I would hope we can work with him in some way in the future in the trilogy.
This disappointing news contradicts a previous statement from Sony chairman Tom Rothman. He confirmed Murphy’s return in a roundabout, which has fueled speculation and confusion surrounding the casting for 28 Years Later. But it seems the press and fans may have taken the statement wrong. Rothman could have been referring to Murphy serving as executive producer.
“Yes, but in a surprising way and in a way that grows, let me put it that way,”
The new sequel stars Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Jodie Comer, and Ralph Fiennes. It sees a group of survivors living on a small island connected to the mainland by a single, heavily defended causeway. When one of the group leaves the island on a mission into the dark heart of the mainland, they discover that the virus has mutated not only the infected but also other survivors.
Before 28 Years Later lands in theaters on June 20, 2025, watch 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later, now on digital, including on Apple TV and Prime Video. You can also own them now on DVD.