Movie Review: Abnormal Attraction (2018)

February 13, 2019

Written by DanXIII

Daniel XIII; the result of an arcane ritual involving a King Diamond album, a box of Count Chocula, and a copy of Swank magazine, is a screenwriter, director, producer, actor, artist, and reviewer of fright flicks…Who hates ya baby?

In a universe where fantasy characters and humans co-exist, people obsessed with the crazy creatures around them attend AA (Abnormal Attraction) meetings, lead by Dr. Stanley Cole (Bruce Davison) to work through their “feelings”. As the internet has demonstrated time after terrible time, people can get their horny on over the weirdest things…and the world of ol’ AA is no exception as we get tales of frisky folks enamored with a leprechaun, a zombie, the tooth fairy, bigfoot and many, many more (shudder)…

Thankfully most of the jokes in Abnormal Attraction are gloriously offensive and hit their mark (and they damn well better seeing as how this is a comedy and all), but to write this off as just some dopey comedy (which it certainly is) with nothing going on between it’s ears would do this picture a disservice. You see, along with all of the nutty nonsense we get a rather poignant look at a world we should try to emulate in part…a world where various beings can get on with their lives in relative harmony…a strong lesson for these troubled times, as is the lesson that a Sasquatch can rip you a new asshole if you try to make a sex slave out of him…duly noted Abnormal Attraction…duly noted.

Adding to the plus column for this film is the unbelievable cast of immensely talented actors on display…especially for an absurdist piece of surreal cinema such as this. Making appearances are  Malcolm McDowell, Leslie Easterbrook, Ron Jeremy, Tyler Mane, Gilbert Gottfried and more (but the not as familiar faces in the cast deliver every bit as solid of performances to be fair)!

On the downside, the pseudo-anthology style format the film takes before dovetailing into a longer piece leaves the pacing of the film a bit of a mess, with segments that definitely drag more than they should (and the hour and forty-seven minute runtime does this film no favors), and that can hinder repeat viewings and cause the audience to get all antsy-like. Also, while the creatures are plentiful, the make-ups utilized to bring them to life aren’t exactly the best things you’ve ever laid your eerie eyeballs on…but it’s easily overlooked as the performances of those wearing them are strong as mentioned up yonder.

At the end of the day, Abnormal Attraction is a laugh out loud, way over-the-top fantasy comedy, with some important (though never preachy) commentary on the state of race relations…and pacing issues aside, this one should be seen!



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