Blu-ray Review: Strip Nude for Your Killer (1975)

February 21, 2019

Written by DanXIII

Daniel XIII; the result of an arcane ritual involving a King Diamond album, a box of Count Chocula, and a copy of Swank magazine, is a screenwriter, director, producer, actor, artist, and reviewer of fright flicks…Who hates ya baby?

Photographer Magda (Edwige Fenech) and her boy toy, the fiery tempered Carlo (Nino Castelnuovo) have got one hell of a sinister situation on their hands; the fashion agency where they work has been suffering a series of those “sex crimes” that are all the rage in Milan these days (perpetrated by a man dressed all in black and topped of by a motorcycle helmet)…and as fate and the script would have it, Carlo is a suspect and Magda a potential victim. Will our dynamic duo be able to crack the case before the body count grows higher?

Strip Nude for Your Killer has one thing going for it…and you better sit down, because this one is going to be a shocker…it’s loaded with exposed flesh. I know…I could scarcely believe it either. Of course that isn’t the only check in the plus column this giallo cum softcore romp has to offer; we also get some stunning cinematography courtesy of Franco Delli Colli , a solid score from Berto Pisano, and an unexpected, if off-color, element of humor in the story (which comes courtesy of Massimo Felisatti and Andrea Bianchi, who also directed). Speaking of the story, it does tend to go off the rails a bit and features such nonsense as back alley abortions, ridiculous fashion shoots, and one hell of an anti-climatic final reveal…but the layers of kitsch and sleave more than make-up for that last point.

As for extra features, ol’ Arrow Video has once again done a hero’s job. First up is a new audio commentary by s Adrian J. Smith and David Flint that provides n engaging history lesson into the film and it’s place in the giallo genre, followed by an informative video essay from author and critic Kat Ellinger discussing actress Edwige Fenech. Next we get interviews with actor Castelnuovo, actress Erna Schurer, assistant director Daniele Sangiorgi, and actor and production manager Tino Polenghi. Following that comes trailers and an image gallery.

Sexy, lascivious, and oh-so-wrong; Strip Nude for Your Killer is a giallo that is anything but typical and will truly appeal to fans of vintage sleaze, masked slashers, and lovers of the absurd all at once!



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