The new installment of The Grudge franchise is on its way from Sam Raimi’s Ghost House. In a surprising twist, director and co-writer Nicolas Pesce confirmed during an interview with Blood-Disgusting that the movie, simply titled The Grudge, is neither a sequel or remake, but instead takes place at the same time as the 2004 movie starring Sarah Michelle Gellar.
This movie takes place at the exact same time that the Sarah Michelle Gellar Grudge takes place,” Pesce stated.
So Sarah Michelle Gellar is doing her thing in Japan, and this is what’s happening in America at that same time.” he continued. “So for people who know the old movies, American and Japanese, super well, they’ll see fun ways that we’ve connected it into the mythology and into the story and storylines that existed, while still making a totally separate story that, for all the people who haven’t seen the Grudge movies, this will still make sense to them,”
Starring Demián Bichir, Andrea Riseborough, John Cho, Lin Shaye, Betty Gilpin, and Jacki Weaver, The Grudge opens in theaters on January 3, 2020.