Telltale announces new Walking Dead game titled “Michonne”

June 16, 2015

Written by Capt McNeely

Georgia Division ZADF Twitter: @ZADF_ORG



“The Walking Dead” is back and it’s not the long awaited Sixth season but a return to the video game media. Just announced today slightly under the radar, Telltale will be developing part mini series titled “Michonne” where you play as the katana wielding, zombie chaining and eye stabbing (wink-wink) Michonne. According to Telltale’s blog the story will take place in the comic book continuity between issues #129 and #139. It will inform players of how Michonne left the group and her return back so if you’re a fan of the comics you are in for some lovey back story. “The Walking Dead: Michonne – A Telltale mini series” is scheduled to release this fall on PC, Xbox One, Playstation 4, Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and all compatible iOS and Android based devices.

Now personally I’ve played the first “The Walking Dead” game from 2012, it won Game of the Year that year and although I think it didn’t deserve it, it was a very good point and click adventure and had extremely good writing and some real heart wrenching moments. I still have yet to play the second season but I will eventually and of course review them for you all. Hopefully if this “Michonne” spin off is as good as the first one in the series you are in for a really fun and emotional roller coaster!

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