Atlanta’s Buried Alive Film Festival returns to the big screen from March 31–April 3 this year for its 15th edition, and quite a lineup is in store for fear-fare aficionados! With four frightening features and a bevy of terror-ific shorts on tap, the 7 Stages Theatre will be home to a four days of incredible horror cinema.
We here at Horror Fuel are excited about the full slate of films at Buried Alive Film Festival, but we can’t help but drool over the four features scheduled for this year. First up is the Friday night feature Duyster, a Belgian film in which three students film a documentary about Johannes Duyster, Antwerp’s 17th century executioner. Fans of found-footage horror know that things are bound to go horribly wrong for the trio.
Saturday afternoon serves up the anthology film What Happens Next Will Scare You, from the imaginative creative team that brought the world the WNUF Halloween Special. The official description of this horror comedy outing is, “Working late on their Halloween feed, a motley crew of internet journalists share their top thirteen scariest viral videos, but when an early entry curses our snarky hipsters, they must distinguish fact from fiction before a tidal wave of terrifying supernatural activity leads to real-life murders.” Color us intrigued!
Saturday evening brings a double dose of special attraction blasts from the past! First up is the debut American screening of Unearthed Films’ newly remastered print of the insane 1982 Taiwan/Hong Kong coproduction Calamity of Snakes, in which a businessman kills thousands of snakes in a pit where a new apartment building is being built. Will thousands of living snakes stand for this massacre? Highly doubtful, as these snakes are the vengeful sort! Following that craziness, Splatter Cinema present director Robert Rodriguez’s 1996 vampire romp From Dusk Till Dawn.
The shorts blocks are designed to blow viewers away with monsters, supernatural entities, bizarre occurrences, dark comedy, and much more. The festival opens with the fifth annual Sinema Challenge Showcase, the results of a 13-day filmmaking challenge.
As you can see, there’s plenty to be excited about for this year’s Buried Alive Film Festival! For more information, visit To purchase tickets, visit