Today, Saber Interactive has made a surprising announcement that their co-op zombie shooter, World War Z: Aftermath, will be getting a new DLC titled Sin City Apocalypse. This next expansion in the game will take players to the sand-covered Las Vegas strip with four...
Tinybuild announced they are developing the next installment in their popular stealth survival horror franchise, Hello Neighbor. The announcement was revealed during the season 2 finale of the animated series on YouTube. Hello Neighbor 3 will complement the franchise...
Happy Halloween! And no one wants to make Halloween spookier than the awesome folks over at Feardemic who gave me a chance to check out the next installment in the Garten of Banban game, the 6th chapter. I have previously checked out chapters 1-4 and was excited to...
Back in 2011, Shinji Mikami and Grasshopper Manufacture released Shadows of the Damned before Mikami moved on to begin work on the critically acclaimed The Evil Within. From there Shadows of the Dammed fell into obscurity, before now! Mikami and director Suda51...
Ventriloquist Puppets, escape rooms, and puzzles. To my knowledge, I have yet to hear of such a thing in the real world but in Gaming Factory, Vecube & Spirit Game Studio’s Puppet House, you’ll get just that without leaving the comforts of home! In...