Today, the studio behind Until Dawn and The Quarry, announced the latest installment of the Dark Pictures series, Directive 8020. blending intense survival gameplay with a branching narrative storyline featuring Lashana Lynch (Bob Marley: One Love, The Woman King) as...
The viral horror phenomenon that took the internet by storm has now come home to consoles, spreading dreadful fear and morbid curiosity in The Mortuary Assistant: Definitive Edition. The dry spell of horror releases has been broken and after reviewing two horrible...
Two years ago I reviewed White Day: A Labyrinth Named School which I gave a 7/10 as I thought the game was OK. Now PQube is back with White Day 2: The Flower that Tells Lies and Woo Boy, this was a rough one. White Day 2: The Flower that Tells Lies takes place...
Sobaka Studio is known for its hack-and-slash beat-em-up style games and coming soon will be their latest entry, KIBORG which will take players to a prison planet where they’ll have to fight their way through waves of enemies as they lead a resistance. Till...
Today at Gamescom, Daedalic Entertainment and developer DALOAR, announced their latest game, TheOccultist, a first-person horror experience that invites players to join paranormal investigator Alan Rebels on his most terrifying investigation yet, promising an...