School teacher Yamasawa (Tsutomu Yamazaki) spends the summer of 1913 wandering the mountainous countryside of Japan, where he hopes he may find a sign of his colleague and best friend Akira (Gô Katô) who exited the city and disappeared into the mountains three years...
The Mummy and the Curse of the Jackals begins with a rousing score that answers the age-old question of what would Dan Curtis’ Dark Shadows have sounded like with a surf rock score. After that riddle is solved we meet David (Anthony Eisley, whom you may remember...
Mike Mendez’s (The Convent, Big Ass Spider, Satanic Hispanics) Killers certainly begins with a bang as Odessa and Kyle James (Dave Larsen… who also wrote the film… and David Gunn respectively) throw on a lil’ skull make-up and some Santa hats...
The Convent begins with some bad-ass schoolgirl-type named Christine beating up some nuns and immolating a convent in 1960 as Lesley Gore croons You Don’t Own Me… and if you can’t dig on that you are reading the wrong column baby… After that...
In a small rural town, mentally handicapped gentle giant Bubba Ritter (Larry Drake, Dr. Giggles, Darkman) spends his days chumming around with young Marylee Williams (Tonya Crowe)… but that comes to a swift end when she becomes fascinated by a yard-full of...