Netflix Articles

AI Goes Bad in Netflix’s New Sci-Fi Horror Series “Cassandra”

Netflix has announced the premiere of "Cassandra," a chilling new German horror series. This six-part miniseries delves into the terrifying potential of artificial intelligence when a family moves into a house with a sinister past. The...

“Stranger Things” Stars Get Emotional as Production Wraps on Final Season

After four unforgettable seasons filled with Demogorgons, Eleven's extraordinary powers, and the unbreakable bonds of friendship, the "Stranger Things" journey is ending. Netflix recently announced the conclusion of the beloved series with its...

HorrorFuel Announces the Best Horror Series of 2024

It's that time of year again when we announce the best series of 2024. God knows we've watched a lot of tv this year and seen some great new shows. But we can't list all of them, so we've narrowed it down to our top five favorites. Did your...

Ring in the New Year with Season Three of “Evil” on Netflix

Netflix will soon add the third season of the supernatural series "Evil" to its library. The season premiered on Paramount+ in 2022, but hey, it's better late than never, right? The series ended with season four stars Katja Herbers, Mike Colter,...