When released this past June, the film Sous La Seine, or Under Paris, was a hit for Netflix. The shark movie currently...
Netflix Articles
Are You Ready for You Ready for Season Two of “Squid Game?”
The South Korean series "Squid Game" took the world by storm in 2021, becoming Netflix's most-watched series of all...
‘Woman of the Hour’ is #1 on Netflix for a Second Week
Pitch Perfect star and Emmy nominee Anna Kendrick makes her directorial debut with the true-crime-inspired serial...
Terror-Filled Trailer Drops for Sam Raimi’s ‘Don’t Move’
The first trailer for Netflix's upcoming horror movie Don't Move has arrived in time for spooky season. The unnerving...
‘Woman of the Hour’ Sees Anna Kendrick Play “The Dating Game” with a Killer
Pitch Perfect star and Emmy nominee Anna Kendrick is making her future directorial debut with the true-crime-inspired...
Charlie Hunnam Playing Ed Gein in Season Three of Netflix’s True Crime Series “Monster”
Charlie Hunnam, best known for "Sons of Anarchy," will portray the infamous killer Ed Gein in season three of...
Terminator: Zero Explodes onto Netflix
A new chapter in the Terminator saga is coming to Netflix. The eight-episode animated series "Terminator: Zero" throws...
“A Discovery of Witches” Casts It Spell on Netflix This Week
Enter a world of witches, vampires, and magic when "A Discovery of Witches" comes to Netflix this week. The...
Haunting True Story-Inspired Movie ‘The Deliverance’ Conjures A Premiere Date
With their upcoming horror film, The Deliverance, Netflix is set to unleash a terrifying tale inspired by real-life...
Netflix Deals ‘Tarot’ A Premiere Date
Just two months after its theatrical release, Sony Pictures' horror movie Tarot is set to find new life on Netflix....
Netflix’s “Terminator: Zero” Teaser Introduces a New Threat
A new chapter in the Terminator saga is coming your way! Netflix has released the first teaser for its upcoming...
New “Stranger Things” Season 5 Video Takes You Behind the Scenes
Fans of Netflix's sci-fi horror phenomenon "Stranger Things" rejoice! To celebrate being halfway through production, a...