The upcoming horror film The Forest, starring Natalie Dormer, Taylor Kinney, Yukiyoshi Ozawa and Eoin Macken, arrives in theaters on January 8th, from Gramercy Pictures. The film takes place in Japan’s Aokigahara forest, known world wide as the “Suicide Forest”. The area below Mt Fugi is a common location for people to commit suicide. In fact, over one hundred bodies are found each year throughout the site. The location is also well rumored to contain spirits of those who ended their lives among the trees. The locals urge visitors to leave before sundown and to not venture off the paths, if they do the spirits may not let them leave.
You can now take a virtual tour of the forest with Enter The Suicide Forest, a 360 degree immersive experience created from real images from the Aokigahara forest. Not only will you see the landscape, the experience allows you to enter for a game of sorts, to follow the clues to try to locate and save your missing friend.
In the film, Sara (Dormer), travels Japan to search for her sister who has disappeared into the “Suicide Forest”. With Aiden (Kinney) as her guide they enter the forest, after being warned no matter what, they must “…not leave the path.” Sara will have to face the tormented souls who call the forest home if she wants to save her sister and herself, or is it already to late?