A film about the horrors of addiction, Bleeding, is set to make its US film festival premiere at the upcoming Dances With Films festival in New York City this December. The film centers on Eric, a 17-year-old grieving the overdose death of his brother. When his cousin...
Fright-fare fanatics, Los Angeles-based Screamfest Horror Film Festival has just unleashed its first wave lineup, and as always, the fest boasts chilling cinematic fare from around the world. Check out the following press information to see what chills and thrills are...
Shout! Studios have just dropped the trailer for its upcoming sexy horror thriller, Succubus, starring Ron Perlman on a mission to stop a vampire. This is not the first time Perlman has faced off against bloodsuckers. He played one Blade II. However, he is best known...
A thrilling update for fans of “Interview with the Vampire” came straight from San Diego Comic-Con. Based on Anne Rice’s iconic novel, the series unveiled an exclusive first look at season three and confirmed its return. The panel, featuring...
The cast continues to grow for the upcoming Dexter prequel series, “Dexter: Original Sin.” Last we reported, “Grey’s Anatomy” actor Patrick Dempsey had joined the cast. There’s now been an update with news coming that “Buffy...