An Interview With A Walker

February 6, 2014

Written by Kelli Marchman McNeely

Kelli Marchman McNeely is the owner of She is an Executive Producer of "13 Slays Till Christmas" which is out on Digital and DVD and now streaming on Tubi. She has several other films in the works. Kelli is an animal lover and a true horror addict since the age of 9 when she saw Friday the 13th. Email:

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to be a Walking Dead Walker? Recently I had the pleasure of having a talk with a very nice gentleman and Walker by the name of Larry Mainland. His name may not be familiar but his work as a popular walker in The Walking Dead should be. You also may have seen him on The Walking Dead’s posters or merchandise as well as in magazines, including on the cover of Entertainment Weekly along side Andrew Lincoln.

“Mr. Mainland when did you start acting?”

LM-“In 2007, I had to shut down my brokerage business because my 7 year old son was diagnoses with a malignant brain tumor. After two and a half years of surgeries,radiation,chemo and extensive therapy, which required all of my time. I finally found myself with a little extra time on my hands. At 59,I was too old to attempt to start my business up again and I didn’t have enough free time to work anywhere else consistently.”

“How did you become a walker?”

LM-“A friend contacted me and said The Walking Dead was in town and Extra Casting Atlanta was looking for extras to be walkers. I had no idea what he was talking about and asked what it had to do with me. He said they were looking for “skinny people” and that I was the skinniest person he knew and laughed. After thinking about this ridiculous idea for a few minuets , I decided “Heck, why not” and submitted my picture and info to ECA. In about 2 minuets,I got a call back asking if I could attend Zombie School.Thus was the start of a very interesting chapter in my life.”

“How many episodes where you in?”

LM-“Only one, the pilot in four different scenes.”

“How long did the makeup process take?”

LM”On average about an hour and a half. I was easy according to Greg Nicotero. He told me he was going to do my makeup himself, because I had “the look”, whatever that is.”

“What was it like working in the makeup?”

LM”Most of the time it was fun. The temperature was around 97 degrees.We and our makeup were melting in the heat. I almost passed out after the scene where we chased Rick on his horse.Of course I was wearing winter clothes,long sleeves and a sweater, so of course I got hot.”

“What was it like working with the cast and crew?”

LM”For the most part, wonderful. There were about 20 of us core zombies. I enjoyed working with all of them, especially Frank Darabont. Watching him work his magic was something to behold and unlike anyone I have worked with since.”

“How has The Walking Dead affected your life?”

LM”As I said before I never planned on getting into acting as a career. This path, although short thus far, may end tomorrow. You just never know in this business, but if it did i have no regrets. It’s been a tremendous ride!”


Mr. Mainland has also had roles in the following: Sick People, Behind the Curtain, Home, Level Up, Contagion, The Three Stooges,Remnant, Lawless, My Future Boyfriend, The Lost Valentine, Christmas Cupid, Wanderlust, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire.

Larry MainlandPlease check out his Facebook page for his event appearance schedule.

Thank you so much Mr. Mainland!

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