“Writing and directing a new Jeepers film, the first in over a decade, is incredibly exciting, for me and I believe for Jeepers fans all over the world that have been asking for more. What will go before cameras as Jeepers Creepers 3 is new and terrifying chapter from the Jeepers universe. We are bringing back the Creeper’s truck, and will be addressing the big questions about the Creeper: what it is, where it comes from and why it does what it does. More exciting though, this will easily be the most frightening rollercoaster-ride-of-a-jeepers film that has been made to date.”
Just in case you were wondering if the film is really coming this time, Variety posted an article today on ‘Jeepers Creepers 3’, making the statement that it will begin filming early next year. After all of the waiting, I really hope they “knock it out of the park”.