Trailer Unveiled For Pride And Prejudice And Zombies

October 9, 2015

Written by Kelli Marchman McNeely

Kelli Marchman McNeely is the owner of She is an Executive Producer of "13 Slays Till Christmas" which is out on Digital and DVD and now streaming on Tubi. She has several other films in the works. Kelli is an animal lover and a true horror addict since the age of 9 when she saw Friday the 13th. Email:




ppz n6Ahead of July 11’s San Diego Comic-Con, Screen Gems has released a series of photos from the long awaited movie ‘Pride and Prejudice and Zombies’ via Entertainment Weekly. The movie was both written and directed by Burr Steers, based on the novel by Seth Grahame-Smith and Jane Austin. ‘Pride and Prejudice and Zombies’ stars Jack Huston, Lily James, Bella Heathcote , Charles Dance, Lena Heady, Douglas Booth and ‘Dr. Who’ actor Matt Smith.

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In the fashion of Jane Austin’s classic tale a zombie outbreak has plagued the area. Relationships, made complex by the difference of their social classes in 19th century England, are put to the test as the undead rise.

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Lily James, who plays the role of the movie’s heroine Elizabeth Bennet, has made the comment “Rather than knitting and crocheting, they’re polishing muskets.” and Elizabeth is “the most badass zombie slayer there is.” Unlike in the 2005 ‘Pride and Prejudice’, this film is full of lovely ladies wielding weapons, and taking down hungry zombies.

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After a long wait, the trailer for the film has just been unveiled and I have to say, it’s everything I hoped it would be. on February 5, 2016, put on your finest frock, hale a carriage and head to theaters for ‘Pride and Prejudice and Zombies’ debut.



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