Writer-director Domiziano Cristopharo’s Italian horror film Virus: Extreme Contamination premiered yesterday in Pristina, Kosovo and will begin its film festival tour this June, Bloody-Disgusting has reported.
In Extreme Contamination “An Italian scientist moves to Kosovo to study the impact of a meteorite that is the cause of some strange events. Once there, he discovers that the object has been moved in a near military base where all the people were turned into dangerous weird creatures.”
The Film, filled with grotesque mutations, mutations and mayhem, was inspired by the 1927 short story The Colour Out of Space by H.P. Lovecraft.
Paola Barale, Rimi Beqiri, Halil Budakova, Merita Budakova, Faik Gashi, Cun Lajci, Hansan Lushi, Michael Segal, Hoti Shkumbin star, with Filmon Aggujaro, Halil Budakova and Spaqi Vilson producing.
Follow Virus: Extreme Contamination on Facebook and visit the official website for updates and more information.