At some point people thought it would be a good idea to start making horror films that are PG-13. What a horrible idea that is. One upcoming film that won’t be PG-13 is Shane Black’s ‘The Predator’. In fact, he recently said that “PG-13 is for pussies. Spines bleed… a lot.”
‘The Predator’ will be rater R ! And for that, we thank you Mr. Black. Let’s be honest, part of the genre’s charm is the blood, guts, and lots of other horrifying things. Parents know when their children shouldn’t watch something, it’s common sense. There’s no need to ruin a movie for the rest of us. Luckily, ‘The Predator’ will be filled with violence and gore, just the way we like it.
Last we heard Thomas Jane was in final negotiations to star alongside Keegan-Michael Key, Olivia Munn, Trevante Rhodes, and Boyd Holbrook. It is rumored that rapper turned actor Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson will also co-star.
‘The Predator’, which is being described as both a sequel to the original and a reboot, was co-written by Black along with ‘Monster Squad’ writer Fred Dekker.
Shane Black announced this weekend on Twitter that ‘The Predator’ is set to being filming on Monday. It is scheduled to open in theaters on February 9, 2018.
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