The Writers Of Halloween (2018) Drop A Few Hints

March 10, 2017

Written by Kelli Marchman McNeely

Kelli Marchman McNeely is the owner of She is an Executive Producer of "13 Slays Till Christmas" which is out on Digital and DVD and now streaming on Tubi. She has several other films in the works. Kelli is an animal lover and a true horror addict since the age of 9 when she saw Friday the 13th. Email:

Halloween 1978
Last month news came via Master of Horror John Carpenter that the upcoming Halloween movie would be in hands filmmaking team Danny McBride and David Gordon Green, with Green directing. Jason Blum of Blumhouse will produce the project. Did I mention that John Carpenter will be serving as executive producer? He is. Are you psyched yet?

…So you say you want a Revolution? You want to shake things up and bring back Halloween and make it rock David and Danny both came to my office recently with Jason Blum and shared their vision for the new movie and…WOW. They get it. I think you’re gonna dig it, They blew me away. I might even do the music. Maybe. It could be kind of cool. And you’ll get to see it in theaters on October 19th, 2018.”

The next day Danny McBride revealed even more about the film:

You know, it’s not a remake. It’s actually, it’s gonna continue to story of Michael Myers in a really grounded way. And for our mythology, we’re focusing mainly in the first two movies and what that sets up and then where the story can go from there.” McBride continued. “Green and I are definitely going to [do] a straight-up horror. Halloween has always been one of my favorite movies of all time. There’s a simplicity and and efficiency to that first one that I think allows the movies just to be scary as hell. And so Green and I, our approach is to get back to that.

In a recent interview with Indiewire McBride spoke about the film in terms of it being a “reimagining”.

We can’t talk too much about the Halloween reboot, but David and I had a long talk with each other about when people do with movies, where it goes wrong. What pisses me off when it comes to something I like? We all come to the decision that remaking something that already works isn’t a good idea. So we just have a reimagining instead.”

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David Gordon Green talked about how he became involved and their pitch to Carpenter:

Jason Blum came to me. I’m a huge horror fan and I’ve never made one. I developed Suspiria for several years with Luca Guadagnino, who’s finishing directing it. It’s going to be incredible. I woke up at a hotel and had this email from Jason that said, Halloween reboot. You get it. What do you say? I was just like, ‘What the fuck does this mean?’ I wrote him back and said, Call me immediately, my body is reacting to this, because Halloween is one of those influential movies that I was never allowed to see and lied about having not seen to my parents for years. It hit all the right taboos, and it had a lore to it. We’re just writing it now.”
“The coolest part about that was going to John Carpenter and pitching him. If he didn’t like the take, it wouldn’t bode well. He’s one of my biggest heroes. I think we were just so concerned about getting the job that we didn’t think about how fucking scary that was to go sit down in front of him to tell him how we’d continue the story he’d created. It wasn’t until afterward that I realized, Fuck, this could go so badly. We’ll be really hurt if he schools us right now.

What all of this means is that Danny McBride and David Gordon Green really want to do the original Halloween justice. They are going about the things the right way and with John Carpenter on board, is should be awesome. Hopefully casting news will come soon. We will update you when we know more.
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