As far as zombies go, one man’s name is synonymous with the undead, George A. Romero. Referred to as the “Godfather of the Zombie Genre”, Romero brought the flesh-eating being into the mainstream back in 1968 with Night of the Living Dead. Now, his new film Road of the Dead is moving along. In fact, the first poster has just been revealed and it’s pretty bad ass.
While Romero did not direct the film, that was done by Matt Birman (Warehouse 13), he did co-write the script with Birman and serves as producer. Road of the Dead has yet to begin filming and is still in search of funding, but hopefully after it is showcased at the Fantasia Film Festival later this month that won’t be an issue.
Reportedly, the film is a combo of Mad Max meets Ben Hur and is set on an island where zombie prisoners race cars in an arena for the sole purpose of entertaining the rich.
We’ll keep you posted.
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