Look, I’ll be honest with you creeps, I have never seen (or even heard of) Death-Scort Service Part 1; but as is my way with everything, that don’t mean shit to me. I’m sure a fine, morally upstanding picture like Death-Scort Service Part 2: The Naked Dead will do your’s cruelly a solid (probably on my chest), and catch me right up to speed…
…and wadda ya know, the film begins with a flashback to the conclusion of the first flick; courtesy of the final girl, Michelle (Krystal Pixie Adams) having a lil’ bubble bath flashback (as you do after such things). Anyway, long story short, hookers vs. a serial killer, Hookers 1 : Serial Killer 0. Well as fate would have it, a new killer rises to take the place of the last and a new batch of lusty ladies (who just want to save up enough scratch to have a home, sweet home to call their very own) have to survive his murderous machinations. That’s pretty much all there is story wise, minus a twist or two.
Okay, I’m steppin’ up on my sinister soapbox for a sec, ‘cuz something has to be said before we go any further. Death-Scort Service Part 2: The Naked Dead was created for a VERY specific audience (more on who those folks may be in a bit), and has to be judged with that in mind…there is absolutely nothing in this picture suitable for the general movie going public. All that being said, writer/director Sean Donohue has created one of the most sleazy, depraved, somewhat rambling, gutter dwelling exploitation that has been committed to film in a damn long sight. Nearly every frame is packed with naked female flesh, blood, guts, extreme violence, or some unholy combination of them all. All of this is vitally important in a film that is definitely a direct continuation of themes and style put forth by Troma, Ferrara’s The Driller Killer, and the film’s of Frank Henenlotter (although this film is missing the real life, on the streets grit the latter two had is spades). Also of note is the synth-laden, almost New Wave styled score by Toshiyuki Hiraoka, an the super stylized opening credits. But it ain’t all groovy in this grindhouse…
Along with the gallons o’ blood and buckets o’ boobs come a few problems; namely an odd story structure and some jarringly amateur acting…let’s start with the story first. Death-Scort Service Part 2: The Naked Dead is basically a series of vignettes that go together to propel the barest sketch of a plot forward. It’s basically sex, kill, sex, kill with a few dialog bits sprinkled between. I totally see what Donohue was going for, but I would have liked to know a bit more about some of the characters (especially the Godmother) and seen the world fleshed out a bit (especially letting the locale become part of the story, like Ferrara did with late ’70’s New York City in the aforementioned The Driller Killer). As for the acting, some of it is outrageously off, which becomes ultra-noticeable because there are some solid performances on display (in particular the bizarrely named Eight The Chosen One playing a pimp is a complete scream…that dude needs a sex and blood drenched opus of his own if ya ask me).
To wrap it all up in a pretty lil’ beastly bow; Death-Scort Service Part 2: The Naked Dead is for those looking for boobs, blood and not a lot more …and on that front it succeeds like a Goddamned Ace (and that skull rating below is for that crowd only), but to everyone else, this will not be your thing.
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