An oil exec named Emma (Hanna Oldenburg) has the misfortune of travelling abroad for business. Why misfortune you may ask? Well, she hops in a taxi and is kidnapped by a psychopath named Jim (Ralf Beck) and his deadly duo chums Pete ( Torbjörn Andersson) and Shirley (Niki Nordenskjöld) who drug her, take her to a cabin and of course, brutally rape and torture her (yaaaawwwwn). She soon gets free and travels revenge road where she proves she’s pretty damn brutal in her own right.
Before we get to the bad, let’s say something nice about Animalistic, shall we? Some of the cinematography is nice, and the effects are very well done, including a scene with a penis that’ll make you wince wether you posses one or not.
On to the negatives!
This is one of the most unoriginal films I have ever laid my eerie eyeballs on. All of us in the horror biz have had the (dis)pleasure of seeing rape/revenge pics; for better or worse they are a staple of the genre…and this one follows the game plan to a mother fuckin’ “T”. Woman gets abducted, gets raped, gets revenge…and that’s all she wrote…but we’ve seen her write better countless times for decades. This is simply a stale, boring, torture porn packed rehash. Also, the acting can be a bit shaky.
This is simply put such a soul sucking affair I don’t even want to talk about it anymore. Avoid Animalistic like you would a mound of freshly squeezed dog shit and do something more productive with your time like watching the grass grow.
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