Back in 1985, ABC aired 13 episodes of “The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo“, featuring the voice of horror icon Vincent Price as the character Vincent Van Ghoul. Next year, the story will continue in the form of a direct sequel whose brand new trailer arrived today via Collider.
After the Mystery Inc. gang goofed up a case and nabbed an innocent man, they’re forced into early retirement from crime solving. It’s not long, however, before their old friend Vincent Van Ghoul needs help and pulls the team right back into action. The gang has unfinished business they must tend to, which involves catching a ghost that previously got away. It all happened one summer while Velma and Freddy were away at camp. Scooby-Doo, Shaggy, and Daphne secretly hunted down 12 of the world’s spookiest ghosts but failed to catch the evilest one of them all…the 13th ghost.
Now the elusive spook is wreaking havoc. Vincent needs help having him captured and confined to the chest of demons, a box that contains the other 12 captured ghosts. With the 13th ghost still on the loose, the gang will have to come out of retirement and finish the job once and for all. The chest however, is now located somewhere in a remote village in the Himalayas. Determined to help Vincent, the gang sets out on one of their most thrilling adventures yet! Bundle up and get ready for the icy slopes of the Himalayan mountains, chilling car chases, crystal balls and spine-tingling spells in this terrifyingly fun original movie!”
Scooby-Doo! and the Curse of the 13th Ghost lands on DVD and Digital on February 5, 2019.