Writer-director Barak Barkan makes his feature film debut with the dark thriller Silence & Darkness.
Following the death of their mother, blind and deaf sisters Anna (Mina Walker) and Beth (Joan Glackin) live happily in a secluded small town with Father (Jordan Lage). However, when a neighbor stops by, Anna and Beth begin to question Father’s medical diagnoses and start to realize his intentions are more sinister than they could have imagined.
Shot in the haunting ephemeral landscapes of Vermont, Silence & Darkness crafts a harrowing, and eerie portrait of two sisters forced to adapt and use every skill they have to uncover their family’s dark truth.
I sought to create tension between the viewer and the film, both through Anna and Beth’s interactions and Father’s backstory,” says writer-director Barak Barkan. “My goal is that while viewing the film, the audience will inhabit a constant state of curious unease—desperate to find out what led to the circumstances of this family’s life and what is going to happen next—while simultaneously fearful of the answer.”
Silence & Darkness is now available on VOD and Digital in the U.S. and Canada on Amazon, iTunes, Google Play, as well as Direct TV, Dish Network, Vubiquity, and Deluxe Canada.