Remember a while back when I took a look at two episodes of an anthology series with the handle of Twisted Fiction? If not head here and come back here because I have a hot new review of the new episode; The Witches’ Brew!
Major sleazoid/Hollywood producer Howard Castinoff (Leo Goodman) is hot n’ horny to keep the casting couch alive and unwell, and his latest victim is one Sofia Rain (Koko Marshall).
With camera and spiked drink in hand, Howie proceeds to both film Sofia’s audition (a powerful, if bizarre choice of monologue) and begin his devious advances… which end suddenly when he sees the image of his pleading daughter during the deed.
Turns out Sofia and her pals don’t take that kind o’ shit lightly and our antagonist is soon in for quite the bad time!
In the previous episodes of Twisted Fiction we got E.C. horror comic monstrous morality plays by way of the grit and pulp sensibilities of a true crime rag, and this installment is no exception as the tale of a predator getting his comeuppance (albeit by unconventional… and preternatural methods) would be right at home in the brittle, yellowing pages of said publications!
Adding to the whole affair, we get some great performances from our leads; with Goodman rockin’ the slime that is Howie Hard-on (so named because he has a boner in one scene and I’m an imbecile) to putrid perfection, and Marshall giving a great emotional performance that covers a pretty solid range. The supporting cast is equally excellent, so yeah… great acting all around cats n’ creeps!
Also fun are the surreal practical effects on hand that give the proceedings a suitably fever dream sensibility that helps emphasis the supernatural shenanigans, as well as the top-shelf
All in all, Twisted Fiction Episode 3: The Witches’ Brew is a nice slice of horror biz served up in a slick production with a great cast!