Derrickson Answers The Call: Director Returning For ‘The Black Phone 2’

The Black Phone

December 27, 2023

Written by Kelli Marchman McNeely

Kelli Marchman McNeely is the owner of She is an Executive Producer of "13 Slays Till Christmas" which is out on Digital and DVD and now streaming on Tubi. She has several other films in the works. Kelli is an animal lover and a true horror addict since the age of 9 when she saw Friday the 13th. Email:

Get ready for another unsettling visit to the basement! Scott Derrickson, the director who chilled audiences with The Black Phone, is officially returning to helm its terrifying sequel. Buckle up for a descent into darkness as franchise producer Ryan Turek confirms, “Yeah, Scott’s coming back.

While the narrative remains a compelling mystery, Derrickson offered a cryptic hint about the potential return of Ethan Hawke’s menacing Grabber despite his apparent demise in the first film. “It’s possible,” he teased, leaving fans on the edge of their seats.

But Derrickson wouldn’t be Derrickson without a master plan. He envisions a sequel that respects the chilling impact of the original, stating, “There have been some exciting conversations about a sequel… I knew as soon as I saw that mask, ‘If this film is a hit, there’ll be a sequel.'” That iconic mask – haunting, chilling, a symbol of childhood nightmares – holds the key to the story’s potential. “It is like Freddy Krueger’s glove, it is like Michael Myers’ mask… it is this thing where it’s the imagery, the story’s imagery, that haunts people’s sleep.”

And the news doesn’t stop there. Mason Thames, Madeleine McGraw, Jeremy Davies, and Miguel Mora, all unforgettable faces from the first film, are set to return. Derrickson and C. Robert Cargill will also be back in the producer’s chairs, ensuring a consistent vision of terror.

Rest assured, Joe Hill and the team are committed to crafting a worthy successor that elevates the original’s chilling legacy. While plot details remain tightly wrapped, Hill offers a cryptic warning: “The phone doesn’t work in the basement.”

Mark your calendars, horror fans! The Black Phone 2 rings into theaters on June 27, 2025. Until then, revisit the original masterpiece on Peacock. And remember, when you hear the phone ring…pick it up. You might hear the echo of the Grabber’s chilling whisper on the other end.

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