The official trailer for The Monkey, the highly anticipated horror film from director Osgood Perkins (Longlegs), has taken the internet by storm. Within its first 72 hours of release, it achieved a record-breaking 109 million views globally. This makes it the most-watched indie horror trailer ever.
This surpasses previous records set by other high-profile horror films, including Smile (100 million views), The Black Phone (73 million views), and Talk To Me (23 million). It has even surpassed Nosferatu, with the first trailer reaching 74 million views and the second reaching 48 million.
The Monkey, an adaptation of the Stephen King short story, follows twin brothers Hal and Bill (both played by Theo James). When an evil childhood toy is discovered, a wave of brutal deaths begins to plague them. Determined to break the curse, the brothers must confront the Monkey’s sinister power before it claims everything they hold dear.
The film boasts a talented cast, including Tatiana Maslany (Orphan Black) and Elijah Wood (Lord of the Rings). Christian Convery, Colin O’Brien, Rohan Campbell, and Sarah Levy also star.
The Monkey, produced by horror maestro James Wan (The Conjuring) alongside Michael Clear. It is set to be a major cinematic event that should be at the top of your “must-see” list.
Don’t miss this movie when it hits theaters on February 21, 2025, from NEON. Watch the record-breaking trailer for The Monkey now (viewer discretion is advised).