In a bleak future where civilization has crumbled, humanity is pushed to its darkest limits in writer-director Ben Goodger’s Year 10. The film paints a harrowing portrait of a world ravaged by famine and desperation.
Ten years after the collapse of society, cannibalism has become the only way to survive. A violent tribe kills a man’s father and steals the medicine needed to keep his girlfriend alive. He must embark on a perilous journey through a desolate wasteland. Facing the elements, wild animals, and the cannibalistic threat, he fights for the chance to save the one person he has left.
The film stars Alex Anderson, known for his role in Luther: The Fallen Sun, and newcomer Emma Cole. The cast includes King Gayle, Toby Goodger, Ellis Jones, Hannah Khaliqu-Brown, and Duncan Lacroix. Together, they bring to life the intense and emotionally charged story of a couple fighting for survival against all odds. The la e Bill Kenwright produced the film.
Year 10 explores the human condition. It’s a tale of survival, love, loss, and the lengths people will go to protect what they hold dear.
Watch the new trailer below and experience this intense survival horror thriller, Year 10, available on VOD on December 6, 2024.