John Carpenter’s classic horror film Halloween, released in 1978, began a franchise that seems as unstoppable as the masked killer Michael Myers himself. The franchise will soon add another sequel.
Blumhouse announced that Michael is coming home. Blumhouse founder/CEO Jason Blum, Malek Akkad, the franchise’s long-term producer, along with Miramax and Trancas International Films have teamed up to deliver a new Halloween film of epic proportions. The best part, John Carpenter, the father of Halloween himself, announced at a press meeting that he has signed on to serve as both executive producer and creative consultant for the project. He also is considering composing the sequel’s music.
“HALLOWEEN needs to return to its traditions,” Carpenter said. “I feel like the movies have gotten away from that…Michael is not just a human being; he’s a force of nature, like the wind. That’s what makes him scary.”
“HALLOWEEN is one of those milestone films that inspired everyone at our company to get into the world of scary movies.” Jason Blum stated. “and we are so excited that Miramax brought us together. We cannot wait to find and collaborate with the right filmmaker to give Halloween fans the movie they deserve.”
Few details have been released about the new sequel at this point, but Blumhouse has revealed that the film will have a modest budget.
“We made the original HALLOWEEN for very little money,” Carpenter said. ” At heart it’s just a good, scary story, and that’s why it works. 38 years later, I’m going to help to try to make the tenth sequel scariest of them all.”
I don’t know about you, but this news has me very excited. We will let you know when we learn more.