May 12, 2017


Written by Kelli Marchman McNeely

Kelli Marchman McNeely is the owner of She is an Executive Producer of "13 Slays Till Christmas" which is out on Digital and DVD and now streaming on Tubi. She has several other films in the works. Kelli is an animal lover and a true horror addict since the age of 9 when she saw Friday the 13th. Email:

exorcist poster
As FOX’s The Exorcist began to approach its season finale fans were praying it would be renewed, but that wasn’t the case. Even the show’s creator Jeremy Slater expressed his desire for a second season, but still nothing. We had all pretty much given up hope that we would ever see the story’s next chapter. But today, FOX has answered our prayers and granted the show a second season!
Season two of the supernatural series, loosely tied to William Friedkin’s iconic film, will begin a new chapter. Slater told fans last year that he wanted to feature the priests teaming up to help a new family.

A potential season two would find Marcus, Tomas and Bennett tasked with helping a new family or a new case of possession. That doesn’t mean we’ll never see any of the Rances again, but I think the fans would feel disappointed and cheated if we simply brought Captain Howdy back for round three. The Rances have escaped this legacy of terror–for the time being, anyway–and it seems cruel to immediately drag them back for ten more episodes of suffering. Our challenge now is to create a new family that you care about just as much as the Rances, and to find ways to make their story feel just as compelling and unique as what came before.
We would always continue to expand our mythology moving forward. We know that Maria Walters and Superintendent Jaffey and Cardinal Guillot are still out there somewhere, but I think the conspiracy probably runs much deeper than that. When we left our heroes at the end of the first season, they were part of only a handful of people on the planet that know this conspiracy is taking place, that evil is infiltrating every level of church and state. Going forward, I think that sense of paranoia and never quite knowing who to trust will become a much bigger component in the show. We’ve established a fun little dynamic where Tomas and Bennett are essentially now acting as moles within the Catholic church, trying to uncover just how deep this corruption has spread, while Marcus is the wild card operating outside the boundaries of the church. The goal would be to balance these personal, character-based stories with the larger mythology elements we’ve introduced, to create a world where no one and nothing is ever truly safe.”

THE EXORCIST:  L-R:  Ben Daniels and Alfonso Herrera in the "Chapter Six:  Star of the Morning" episode of THE EXORCIST airing Friday, Nov. 4 (9:01-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX.  ©2016 Fox Broadcasting Co.  Cr:  Jean Whiteside/FOX

The season finale ended in such a way that the story could continue with the Rance family or begin with a new one. I’m interested to see how the story moves forward and I am very thankful that FOX has given us the opportunity to find out where The Exorcist will take us next.

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