Short Film Review: A Death Story Called Girl (2018)

August 27, 2018

Written by DanXIII

Daniel XIII; the result of an arcane ritual involving a King Diamond album, a box of Count Chocula, and a copy of Swank magazine, is a screenwriter, director, producer, actor, artist, and reviewer of fright flicks…Who hates ya baby?

A young woman named Bambi (Livvy Bennett) awakes and goes about her daily routine as if she is a robot. After journeying outside she visits an elderly couple and serves them odd food combinations and poisoned drinks. Hell ensues.
Running a very surreal twelve minutes, A Death Story Called Girl is a fantastically bizarre and stylized view into the life of one fucked up girl living in the ultimate version of suburbia. Writer/Director Bas-Tzion Beahan presents an over-saturated, sun-soaked paradise where no one even notices when one of their blood soaked own walks merrily down the street…are they all oblivious, do they themselves have dark secrets? Who knows…but it got me thinking as I was totally enthralled by the universe presented. Also special mention has to be made of the ethereal and unhinged portrayl of Bambi courtesy of Bennett; what a character and performance…I want to see more of her misadventures post-haste. finally, the sound design in this piece is top notch, as ambient atmospherics blend with surprising classic AM radio staples.
Bottom line, Bas-Tzion Beahan is a certified god damned genius and want to see more from her in our beloved horror biz…but in the meantime seek out this sinister short immediately!!!


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