Brad (Alex Loubert) has the high-larious idea to prank his pal Marsha (Vanessa Trenton) as she prepares herself backstage. He stalks the scene as a masked maniac, but soon the ruse is revealed…but the mask goes missing…only to reappear over the face of a stalking psycho!
Masks is a simple tale well told. It’s your basic slasher set up for sure, but it’s filled to the brim with slick cinematography, mounting tension, creepy touches (mysterious dolls in this case), and a memorable and iconic killer design (which as long time readers well know I consider an absolute must in a stalk n’ slay flick.
To sum it up, writer/director Peter Genoway knows his way around our beloved slasher sub-genre, and I hope to see more from this fella right quick in the ol’ horror biz!
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The Last Voyage of the Demeter sailed into theaters in 2023. It has now set a course for a home release and is a...