Capstone Studios has now announced the upcoming survival thriller Coyote, an action-packed movie starring Justin Long (Barbarian, Jeepers Creepers) and Kate Bosworth (Superman Returns, 21). Coyote follows a family fighting for survival during a raging wildfire in the...
A first look at the upcoming survival thriller Night Comes has been revealed. It gives us a glimpse at the film’s stars: Dafne Keen (known for her roles in Deadpool 2, Logan, and Star Wars: The Acolyte) and Samantha Lorraine (You Are So Not Invited to My Bat...
From Lowell Dean, the director of the hair-raising werewolf horror-comedy franchise WolfCop, comes a new chilling tale of terror, the survival horror-thriller Die Alone. In the film, a young man, Ethan (Douglas Smith), finds himself desperate and lost. A terrible...
Iceberg Interactive and indie developer Snail Bite have announced the release date for Dead Season, a chilling post-apocalyptic survival game. Set in a world overrun by zombies, Dead Season offers a heart-pounding experience where your strategic skills and tactical...
From Lowell Dean, the director of the werewolf horror-comedy franchise WolfCop, comes the new chilling tale of terror, the survival horror-thriller Die Alone, set to arrive this October. In the film, a young man, Ethan (Douglas Smith), finds himself desperate and...