Last night was Halloween, and we got one hell of a treat, the premiere of ‘Ash vs Evil Dead’. The series is based on ‘The Evil Dead’, released on January 17, 1981. The film was written and directed by Sam Raimi and starred Bruce Campbell, as the chainsaw wielding badass Ash. The film, followed by 2 more films, quickly became cult classics and has a legion of dedicated fans.
‘Ash vs Evil Dead’ begins thirty years after Ash Williams lost his friends at that cabin in the woods. Now, the aging ladies man is working a dead end job. Lucky for him, his co-worker Pablo (Ray Santiago) is looking out for him. Pablo looks up to Ash and does what he can to make sure Ash keeps his job. Ash hooks up with a random woman in a bar right before it closes, while they’re having sex in the bar’s bathroom, he sees her face transform into a grotesque deadite’s. When he returns to his trailer he checks the necronomicon, and remembers that while he was stoned and trying to impress a woman, they read from the book, unleashing the deadites into the world. At work the next day while Ash is trying to get his pay check, so he can get out of town, he is attacked by a possessed doll and Pablo comes to the rescue. After thirty years Ash finally tells Pablo the story of the cabin and how he lost his hand. When Kelly (Dana DeLorenzo), Pablo’s best friend and co-worker, gets a call from her dad saying her mom is back, who had passed six month earlier, Pablo knows there’s only one man who can help, Ash. When Kelly and Pablo arrive at Ash’s trailer all hell breaks loose. Two deadites attack and Ash dispatches them with a smoothness that only Ash could pull off. God, it was incredible!
In another location, Officer Amanda Fisher (Jill Marie Jones) and her partner arrive on scene to a home, where a woman’s screams were reported. The two officers are faced with the woman who read from the necronomicon with Ash, possessed by a deadite. Amanda’s partner is killed when he is thrown across the room, landing on a mounted set of antlers, forever changing her life.
I’ve been trying to figure out the perfect way to describe last night’s episode, but I can’t seem to find the right words, it was just that good. As a ‘The Evil Dead’ fan, I’m elated that we get ten glorious episodes filled with ‘Evil Dead’ goodness. ‘Ash vs Evil Dead’ is everything I was hoping it would be and more. The series perfectly captures the nuances of the beloved movie, with an up to date feel. The effects were spot on and the references to the original film were perfect. I can’t wait to see Lucy Lawless to in action. Lawless and Campbell have such an amazing chemistry, I know it will show on screen. Mimi Rogers, Phil Peleton, and Hemky Madera will also be starring in the series.
Lucy Lawless and Jill Marie Jones
‘Ash vs Evil Dead’ just became my new favorite show. I have to be honest, I do have one complaint, the series is only thirty minutes long, I need more! I hope that with season two, which they’ve already renewed for, we will have one hour long episodes.
On next week’s episode, titled “Bait”, Special Agent Fisher is hunting down Ash. Pablo gets his first tast of blood and Kelly has a major revelation.
Tune in to STARZ every Saturday night at 9pm for ‘Ash vs Evil Dead’.