Pride month is in full swing and fate has it a mistake made Netflix has cast the creepy stove-pipe-hat-wearing ghoul from The Babadook, one of 2014’s biggest films, as a new LBGT icon.
So how did Netflix transform the creepy character from scary to utterly fabulous? They accidentally put the film in the LBGT section of their streaming service and things snowballed from there. Following the news and multiple memes the icon was born.
If you think about it, The Babadook, written and directed by Jennifer Kent, has a lot in common in with some members of the LBGT community. He’s an entity hiding the shadows like many of the closeted members of the community. He’s different and very flamboyant. I mean, come on he rocks a top hat and cloak. The family knows he’s there but try to look past him and ignore what he is. At the end of the film he “comes out” and the main character accepts him as part of her family. See where I am going with this?
It doesn’t matter if you think it’s awesome or absurd, the community has claimed him and I think that’s pretty cool.
Happy Pride Month my friends!
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