Summer is coming and with it comes the beach, the water, and….Piranha! That’s right, the ‘Piranha’ franchise is back! The IXFilm Group is making the water unsafe again for swimmers with ‘Piranha: Summer of the Piranha’, which they announced via their website. They also released several storyboard images.
The only information that has surfaced so far is that it’s set for a 2018 release and will be produced by Hisako Tsukuba, who has produced every film of the franchise since back in 1978 when the original debuted. We also know that this go around it will be a Japanese production and set in Japan, according to IMDb.
To date the ‘Piranha’ franchise has spawned five films in 39 years. In 2010, Alexander Aja remade the original which he titled ‘Pirahna 3D’. ‘Feast’ director John Gulager delivered ‘Pirahna 3DD’ in 2012.
When we catch more details, we’ll give you an update.
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