Sink your teeth into the trailer for the highly-anticipated Gothic horror-thriller The Cursed, originally titled Eight for Silver. The killer trailer teases a dark and violent film filled with tension and horrors. Written and directed by Sean...
Following its World Premiere at this week’s Sundance Film Festival, Mariama Diallo’s occult thriller Master is set to arrive on Prime Video this March. The film, which Diallo both wrote and directed, follows “three black women who strive to...
Shudder, AMC Networks’ premium streaming service for horror, thriller, and the supernatural, has acquired rights to psychological horror Speak No Evil ahead of its world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival. An official selection of Sundance Midnight, Speak...
IFC Midnight has just given birth to the unsettling trailer for Hatching which gives off seriously creepy vibes as we watch a little girl caught between two monsters, one being an actual monster and the other being her mother. In the film, 12-year-old gymnast,...
This January, AMC Networks is adding a ton of new series and films to its many streaming services and we’ve got the highlights. On ACORN TV: Queens of Mystery, Season 2 (Acorn TV Original) Three 2-Part Mysteries Premiere Mondays Beginning January 10 Through...