Greg Nicotero On The Heartbreak We Can Expect From The Season 7 Premiere Of The Walking Dead

October 5, 2016

Written by Kelli Marchman McNeely

Kelli Marchman McNeely is the owner of She is an Executive Producer of "13 Slays Till Christmas" which is out on Digital and DVD and now streaming on Tubi. She has several other films in the works. Kelli is an animal lover and a true horror addict since the age of 9 when she saw Friday the 13th. Email:

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You have just over two weeks to prepare for the heart ache that will come during The Walking Dead’s season 7 premiere. Ready or not, the cast and crew have all given warnings that we should have Kleenex on hand.

You’re gonna be mad. It was this hardest episode I’ve ever directed.” Greg Nicotero stated during an episode of ‘Geeking Out’.  He also made a comment that leads us to believe it will be two victims instead of one.

Everyone seems to have a theory who died at the hands of Negan, including us (my money is on Glenn and Abraham). When all is said and done, the best theory is that not one, but two of our group will die. They may both die by the bat or one will be killed later in the episode.
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There’s so much more that happens in the first episode that is more heartbreaking than that moment,” Nicotero continued. ” that by the time the episode’s over it’s almost too much. It’s that intense.” And knowing where we’re going from there, it just keeps getting worse. So, it’s pretty intense, man. I never expected as a director to be that emotional affected by dragging my actors to their deepest, darkest places. It was rough.”
That doesn’t sound very good does it? I have a feeling every fan will be running the emotional gambit. Yes, we know it is just show, but after six seasons and interactions with the cast and crew we’ve grown attached to the series’ characters. We recommend watching the premiere on October 23rd with a friend or loved one for moral support. You will be able to find us on Twitter that night if you need to vent.
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