Movie Review: What the Waters Left Behind: Scars (2022) – Cleopatra Blu-ray

July 2, 2023

Written by DanXIII

Daniel XIII; the result of an arcane ritual involving a King Diamond album, a box of Count Chocula, and a copy of Swank magazine, is a screenwriter, director, producer, actor, artist, and reviewer of fright flicks…Who hates ya baby?

The Ravens, a hard rock rock outfit are stuck playing small gigs in shitty venues, such as the one they currently played down Falkland Islands way.

Tired from rockin’ and rollin’… and drinkin’ and snortin’, The Ravens agree to follow a sexy fan back to her parents pad in the country for a lil’ rest and relaxation… a journey that takes them through a decimated Argentinian city that was completely destroyed by a flood a few decades past.

As you may have surmised, the family in question, literally the only living beings in the entire post-apocalyptic area, are complete psychos who are all too ready to welcome their latest victims to their home.

What survival skills does a substance-battered rock band possess, and will it be enough for them to make it alive with their skins intact?

Coming from director Nicolás Onetti and writer Camilo Zaffora, What the Waters Left Behind: Scars is a strong, terror filled experience who’s production design and locations make it shine.

Let’s discuss that a bit… the destroyed city and it’s alien looking surrounding environment is a fantastic environment in which to set a picture like this as it presents a unique vista to represent the isolation and uncomfortable vibe needed for the piece.

Of course a family of torture-loving crazies doesn’t hurt in that department either, and this film’s crazed clan are a suitably unpredictable lot and their tempers can turn on a demonic dime leading to truly effective sequences of gnarly nail-biting suspense as we as an audience believe these freaky folks can do whatever they damn well please to or heroes, and whatever they choose ain’t gonna be in our protagonists best interests… or their continued existence.

I also should address that title. What the Waters Left Behind: Scars is an unwieldy title, but there’s a method to that madness… this film is a sequel to a film from 2017 titled What the Waters Left Behind, which to my recollection I have never seen (and if I have I have completely forgotten the experience).

Why does that matter? Well, this flick doesn’t require any knowledge of the original picture to be enjoyed (hell, I didn’t even know it was a sequel until after I’d watched the damn film), and if you haven’t seen the O.G. you have zero worries!

As for special features on this Blu-ray release from Cleopatra Entertainment, things are very light with the film’s trailer (along with a selection of trailers for other Cleopatra releases) and an image slideshow being the only offerings on hand.

What the Waters Left Behind: Scars is a solid entry in the crazy family subgenre that really manages to stand apart thanks to a strong cast, plenty of tension, and an unbelievably unique location. Give this fright flick a wicked whirl my cats n’ creeps, I think you just may dig this one!



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