Season 6 of The Walking Dead ended with a massive cliffhanger. Negan (Jeffery Dean Morgan) bashed in someone’s head, the problem is, we still don’t know who he killed and we have to wait till October to find out.
Fans of The Walking Dead will be happy to learn that preproduction has begun for season 7, with filming officially beginning this Monday, May 2nd. What’s more, AMC is hiring. Once filming begins it’s going to be awfully hard to keep cast and crew quiet about spoilers until the season 7 premiere.
One of the big questions on fan’s minds is will season 7 feature the well known character Ezekiel. Well, according to some sources, the answer is yes , though an actor has not been named at this point.
In other casting news, Steven Yeun has signed on to star in the film Okja and the series Voltron: Legendary Defender. Yeun is not the only Walking Dead actor to have a new series. Norman Reedus, who plays Daryl, has a new show called Ride on AMC. Both actors are at the top of the list of characters that may be Negan’s victim. The casting news does make us suspicious. But I guess we’ll have to wait until October to find out which one might be leaving The Walking Dead.
We will update you when more information comes available.