Spike TV’s series adaption of Stephen King’s The Mist, directed by Adam Bernstein, centers on a small town overcome by a mysterious mist filled with nightmarish creatures. The humanity of the town’s residents is put to the test as they struggle to survive. The Mist has now announced their full cast.
We reported back in June that American Horror Story’s Frances Conroy was the first actress to sign on for the 10-episode series.
The cast is joined by Gus Birney (Bloody Mary) as teen “Alex Cunningham”.
Dan Butler (The Silence of the Lambs) will play “Father Romoanov, a priest who has lost his faith.
Danica Curcic (Gold Coast) stars as “Mai Lambert”, a drug addict, struggling to keep it together.
Okezie Morror (WWZ 2) is cast as “Jonah Dixon”, a soldier suffering from amnesia, who holds secrets of the mist.
Popular local football player and son of the local sheriff, played by Darren Pettie (Ringer), “Jay Heisel” will be played by Luke Cosgrove (The Heist).
The role of Jay Heisel’s best friend Adrian Garff, is played by Russell Posner (The D Train).
After the town is overcome by the mist, Isiah Whitlock Jr.’s (Pete’s Dragon) character “Gus” must decide if will lead and how far he will go to keep order.
Last, but not least, is Viking’s actress Alyssa Sutherland who joined the cast as Eve Cunningham, a wife and mother, trapped inside the local mall when the mist comes.
There is a fantastic 2007 film adaption, by the same name, starring Thomas Jane, and The Walking Dead’s Melissa McBride and Laurie Holden. The new series will draw inspiration from both the novella and the film. The Mist, scripted by Christian Torpe, is set to premiere on Spike TV next year.