Horror documentaries are more popular than ever, and we couldn’t be happier. Not only is there documentaries on IT and horror icon Kane Hodder, known for wearing the Jason Voorhees mask, there is now one in the works for our favorite wisecracking, bladed-glove wearing, man of our dreams, Freddy Krueger, well, sort of.
Titled FredHeads: A Documentary About Fandom, the upcoming documentary from Venn Pictures will explore how A Nightmare on Elm Street has changed the lives of it’s fans.
“The documentary will follow 3 fans as they tell their story and what their journey in the Nightmare community has been; some as fans, others rising through popularity. Along the way, we will be filming at conventions and getting as many fan stories as possible to feature as many fans as we can in the documentary.”
Filming for the documentary will take place in Chicago at Flashback Weekend this August and Scarefest this September where Robert Englund, Freddy himself, will be appearing. Be sure to follow FredHeads’ Facebook page for regular updates.
The Overlook Film Festival Announces Its Fear-Fraught First Wave
Fright fare fanatics, get your drool cups ready! The Overlook Film Festival has just released the first wave of films...