Set on Halloween, the upcoming horror film Haunt is being produced by Eli Roth, the man behind the gore-filled films Cabin Fever, Hostel, and The Green Inferno.
Directed by Scott Beck and Bryan Woods, Haunt centers on a group of friends who “encounter an “extreme” haunted house which promises to feed on their darkest fears. The night turns deadly as they come to the horrifying realization that some nightmares are real.”
While the cast has not been announced, we do know that Todd Garner is producing for Broken Road, and Mark Fasono for Nickel City, with Ankur Rungta and Vishal Rungta. Marc Schaberg and Josie Laing will executive produce for Sierra/Affinity alongside Broken Road’s Jeremy Stein and Tobias Weymar.
Will keep you updated as we learn more.
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