‘Alien’ Skeleton Causes Scientific Crisis

April 16, 2018

Written by Capt McNeely

Georgia Division ZADF Twitter: @ZADF_ORG

Image result for atacama fetus
Last month, the six-inch skeletal remains of what appears to be an alien infant, that’s being kept in a private collection, underwent DNA testing and proved once and for all that the skeleton is in fact of this planet and is human. The remains are that of a female fetus who had a form of a bone disease that caused the child’s death before being born. The remains were found in the Atacama Desert in Chile by an armature collector two decades ago. Sorry, Ancient Aliens guy.
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The testing done on the remains of the Atacama child using new methods of testing DNA proves that it’s possible to determine the death of skeletal remains of ancient people. With the testing, scientists determined by mapping her genomes that she was part of the indigenous culture in the Atacama but had significant DNA traits belonging to Europeans. With the science to back it up archeologists were able to determine through historical accounts that the child may have died sometime in the 1500’s when Europeans began to settle in South America. As a result of using DNA from the remains to determine possible death but where in time they’re from, some refer to as “DNA Autopsy”.
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Unfortunately, the discovery is now shrouded in controversy since the remains are that of a human child, breakthrough discovery or not, questions of ethics are arising. What’s wrong with the whole scenario starts with what I mentioned earlier, the remains’ discovery. The remains were found by an amateur, not an actual archeologist or as part of a funded/permitted expedition, and for the remains to no longer be in Chile only means one thing, the remains were smuggled out of the country. As a result, all of this falls under the title that no archeologist wants to be attached to them or their discovery, grave robbing.
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Some within the scientific community are afraid with the advancements in DNA studies and easy access to “private” collections the likes of which this child’s remains were a part of, that more unethical testing or acquiring of specimens will tarnish the legacy of legitimate discoveries.

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