Get ready to be enchanted by Little Monsters, the animated film previously titled Finnick. Magic, monsters, and a heartwarming story meet for a movie brimming with magic that will make you see your home in a new light!
Have you ever wondered what makes a house feel like a home? In Little Monsters, the secret lies in the presence of invisible, furry creatures known as “Finns,” entrusted with keeping your life happy! These little guardians care for the families living within the walls, ensuring a sense of comfort and belonging.
Meet Finnick, a creature who embodies the opposite of responsibility. He takes his job as a house guardian lightly, preferring playful pranks to actual care. But everything changes when a new family, including the curious 13-year-old Christine, moves in.
As Finnick and Christine form an unlikely friendship, a series of mysterious events unfold in their city. Their newfound bond becomes crucial in unraveling the secrets and restoring balance. Will Finnick finally embrace his true purpose as a house guardian?
Directed by Denis Chernov and written by a collaborative team including Tatiana Belova, Jeffrey Hylton, and Chernov himself, this animated adventure promises a captivating tale with a touch of heartwarming magic.
The voice cast includes Mikhail Khrustalyov, Veronika Golubeva, and Ida Galich, bringing these fantastical creatures and their human companions to life.
Little Monsters invades theaters on May 31st, promising fun for the whole family.