A group of friends receives the fright of their lives while on a haunted Halloween trail in director Robin Givens‘ (The Nana Project, “Riverdale,” “Batwoman”) Haunted Trail.
In the film written by Raven Magwood (Switching Lanes) and Paul Lindsay, a group of college friends visit a local haunted trail, not knowing the horror that lies ahead. After many screams and a few nervous laughs, the group realizes that an actual killer is stalking them. Scared out of their minds, the friends run through the attraction, fighting for their lives leading to the discovery of the killer’s identity.
Produced by Magwood and Jock McKissic the film stars Comedians Desi Banks (Little, Love by Chance) and Reggie Couz (The Portal, “Dreams”) along with Marquise C. Brown (“Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide”), Brook Sill (High Expectations, “Stranger Things” ), Raven Magwood (Switching Lanes), Matt William Knowles (Son of the South, Asura, “Love Me If You Dare”), Anna Perdun, and Grace Perdun.
Level 33 Entertainment will release Haunted Trail in select theaters on September 9, 2022, followed by its VOD release on September 27th.