The unsolved murder of a young woman, haunts a terrified community in the chilling new thriller Who Killed Angel Adams?
The film, written and directed by Clive Christopher, follows Detective Byrd (Darren Burch) and Rockin Robin (Robin Coté) as they delve into the unsolved murder of Angel Adams. With a community plagued by suspicion and too many suspects, the pressure is on to bring the killer to justice before they strike again.
Who Killed Angel Adams? is a suspenseful exploration of how a community grapples with loss, mysteries, the fight for justice, and those who capitalize on others’ misfortune for fame.
Elizabeth Compton, Clive Christopher, and Reginald Carter round out the cast.
Will the truth be revealed and the killer caught, or will the case remain unsolved forever? Find out now; the film is available on digital.